{"intents": {"FIND_POSITION": {"prompts": [{"delay": 200, "content": "Gut zu h\u00f6ren!", "content_es": "\u00a1Me alegro de oirlo!", "content_de": "Gut zu h\u00f6ren!", "content_pt": "\u00d3timo ouvir isso!", "content_fr": "Ravi de l'entendre!", "content_zh-CN": "\u5f88\u9ad8\u5174\u542c\u5230!"}, {"delay": 1000, "content": "Wo haben Sie gesucht?", "content_fr": "O\u00f9 \u00e9tiez-vous int\u00e9ress\u00e9 \u00e0 chercher?", "content_pt": "Onde voc\u00ea estava interessado em procurar?", "content_de": "Wo haben Sie gesucht?", "content_zh-CN": "\u60a8\u5bf9\u54ea\u91cc\u611f\u5174\u8da3\uff1f", "content_es": "\u00bfD\u00f3nde te interesaba mirar?"}], "options": {"delay": 2000, "action": [{"text": "{current_location}", "value": "SELECTED_LOCATION"}, {"text": "Irgendwo anders", "inputInstruction": "In Ordnung. Geben Sie unten die Stadt, das Bundesland oder die Postleitzahl ein.", "inputInstruction_es": "Okay. Ingrese la ciudad, estado o c\u00f3digo postal a continuaci\u00f3n.", "inputInstruction_pt": "Est\u00e1 bem. Digite a cidade, estado ou c\u00f3digo postal abaixo.", "inputInstruction_de": "In Ordnung. Geben Sie unten die Stadt, das Bundesland oder die Postleitzahl ein.", "inputInstruction_fr": "D'accord. Entrez la ville, l'\u00e9tat ou le code postal ci-dessous.", "inputInstruction_zh-CN": "\u597d\u3002\u5728\u4e0b\u9762\u8f93\u5165\u57ce\u5e02\uff0c\u5dde\u6216\u90ae\u653f\u7f16\u7801\u3002", "value": "SELECTED_LOCATION", "input": true, "text_de": "Irgendwo anders", "text_pt": "Em outro lugar", "text_es": "En alg\u00fan otro lugar", "text_fr": "Ailleurs", "text_zh-CN": "\u522b\u7684\u5730\u65b9"}, {"text": "Fernbedienung", "value": "SELECTED_LOCATION", "text_zh-CN": "\u8fdc\u7a0b", "text_de": "Fernbedienung", "text_fr": "\u00c9loign\u00e9e", "text_pt": "Remoto", "text_es": "Remota"}]}}, "SELECTED_LOCATION": {"prompts": [{"delay": 1000, "content": "Wir haben {num_jobs} offene Stellen in {location_chosen}", "content_fr": "Nous avons {num_jobs} ouvertures \u00e0 {location_chosen}", "content_pt": "Temos {num_jobs} vagas em {location_chosen}", "content_de": "Wir haben {num_jobs} offene Stellen in {location_chosen}", "content_zh-CN": "\u6211\u4eec\u5728{location_chosen}\u5f00\u8bbe\u4e86{num_jobs}\u4e2a\u804c\u4f4d", "content_es": "Tenemos {num_jobs} vacantes en {location_chosen}"}, {"delay": 1200, "content": "Wenn Sie Ihren Lebenslauf hochladen, kann ich Sie sofort mit dem richtigen Job verbinden.", "content_fr": "Si vous t\u00e9l\u00e9chargez votre CV, je peux instantan\u00e9ment vous trouver le bon emploi.", "content_pt": "Se voc\u00ea enviar o seu curr\u00edculo, posso combin\u00e1-lo instantaneamente com o emprego certo.", "content_de": "Wenn Sie Ihren Lebenslauf hochladen, kann ich Sie sofort mit dem richtigen Job verbinden.", "content_zh-CN": "\u5982\u679c\u60a8\u4e0a\u4f20\u7b80\u5386\uff0c\u6211\u53ef\u4ee5\u7acb\u5373\u4e3a\u60a8\u627e\u5230\u5408\u9002\u7684\u5de5\u4f5c\u3002", "content_es": "Si subes tu curr\u00edculum, puedo emparejarte instant\u00e1neamente con el trabajo correcto."}], "options": {"delay": 2000, "action": [{"text": "Laden Sie meinen Lebenslauf hoch", "location": "{location_chosen}", "value": "UPLOAD_RESUME", "text_pt": "Carregar meu curr\u00edculo", "text_de": "Laden Sie meinen Lebenslauf hoch", "text_es": "Sube mi curr\u00edculum", "text_zh-CN": "\u4e0a\u4f20\u6211\u7684\u7b80\u5386", "text_fr": "T\u00e9l\u00e9chargez mon CV"}, {"text": "Arbeit suchen", "inputInstruction": "Geben Sie unten ein, wonach Sie suchen. Sie k\u00f6nnen nach einem Titel, einer F\u00e4higkeit, einer Abteilung usw. suchen.", "location": "{location_chosen}", "queryKey": "query", "value": "LINK", "input": true, "inputInstruction_zh-CN": "\u5728\u4e0b\u9762\u8f93\u5165\u60a8\u8981\u641c\u7d22\u7684\u5185\u5bb9\u3002\u60a8\u53ef\u4ee5\u641c\u7d22\u804c\u52a1\uff0c\u6280\u80fd\uff0c\u90e8\u95e8\u7b49\u3002", "inputInstruction_es": "Ingrese lo que est\u00e1 buscando a continuaci\u00f3n. Puede buscar un t\u00edtulo, habilidad, departamento, etc.", "inputInstruction_pt": "Digite o que voc\u00ea est\u00e1 procurando abaixo. Voc\u00ea pode procurar por um t\u00edtulo, habilidade, departamento, etc.", "inputInstruction_de": "Geben Sie unten ein, wonach Sie suchen. Sie k\u00f6nnen nach einem Titel, einer F\u00e4higkeit, einer Abteilung usw. suchen.", "inputInstruction_fr": "Entrez ce que vous recherchez ci-dessous. Vous pouvez rechercher un titre, une comp\u00e9tence, un d\u00e9partement, etc.", "text_pt": "Procurar empregos", "text_es": "Buscar empleos", "text_fr": "Recherche de travail", "text_de": "Arbeit suchen", "text_zh-CN": "\u641c\u7d22\u5de5\u4f5c"}, {"text": "Durchsuchen Sie alle Jobs in {location_chosen}", "location": "{location_chosen}", "value": "BROWSE_ALL_JOBS", "text_pt": "Procurar todos os trabalhos em {location_chosen}", "text_de": "Durchsuchen Sie alle Jobs in {location_chosen}", "text_es": "Buscar todos los trabajos en {location_chosen}", "text_zh-CN": "\u6d4f\u89c8{location_chosen}\u4e2d\u7684\u6240\u6709\u804c\u4f4d", "text_fr": "Voir toutes les offres \u00e0 {location_chosen}"}]}}, "GREETING": {"prompts": [{"delay": 200, "content": "Hallo! Ich bin Eaton Virtual Assistant !.", "content_fr": "Salut! Je suis Eaton Virtual Assistant !.", "content_pt": "Oi! Eu sou Eaton Virtual Assistant!", "content_de": "Hallo! Ich bin Eaton Virtual Assistant !.", "content_zh-CN": "\u563f\uff0c\u4f60\u597d\uff01\u6211\u662f\u4f0a\u987f\u865a\u62df\u52a9\u624b\u3002", "content_es": "\u00a1Hola! Soy Eaton Virtual Assistant!"}, {"delay": 1000, "content": "Womit kann ich dir helfen?", "content_fr": "En quoi puis-je vous aider?", "content_pt": "Com o que posso ajudar?", "content_de": "Womit kann ich dir helfen?", "content_zh-CN": "\u6709\u4ec0\u4e48\u53ef\u4ee5\u5e2e\u60a8\uff1f", "content_es": "\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 puedo ayudarte?"}], "options": {"delay": 2000, "action": [{"text": "Finde eine Position f\u00fcr mich", "value": "FIND_POSITION", "text_pt": "Encontrar uma posi\u00e7\u00e3o para mim", "text_de": "Finde eine Position f\u00fcr mich", "text_es": "Encontrar un puesto para m\u00ed", "text_zh-CN": "\u4e3a\u81ea\u5df1\u627e\u5230\u804c\u4f4d", "text_fr": "Trouver un poste pour moi"}]}}, "EMPLOYEE_BENEFITS": {"prompts": [{"delay": 200, "content": "Great Question."}, {"delay": 1000, "content": "Eaton offers comprehensive benefits to employees."}, {"delay": 1200, "content": "Here's a quick overview "}, {"delay": 1500, "content": "to support you now and as you plan for the future, to support the wellbeing of you and your family, to help balance work/life demands, to reward skills and performance, to help you grow"}, {"delay": 1700, "content": "Kann ich dir mit etwas anderem helfen?", "content_fr": "Puis-je vous aider avec autre chose?", "content_pt": "Posso ajud\u00e1-lo com outra coisa?", "content_de": "Kann ich dir mit etwas anderem helfen?", "content_zh-CN": "\u6211\u53ef\u4ee5\u5e2e\u60a8\u5176\u4ed6\u5417\uff1f", "content_es": "\u00bfTe puedo ayudar con algo m\u00e1s?"}], "options": {"delay": 2000, "action": [{"text": "Finde eine Position f\u00fcr mich", "value": "FIND_POSITION", "text_pt": "Encontrar uma posi\u00e7\u00e3o para mim", "text_de": "Finde eine Position f\u00fcr mich", "text_es": "Encontrar un puesto para m\u00ed", "text_zh-CN": "\u4e3a\u81ea\u5df1\u627e\u5230\u804c\u4f4d", "text_fr": "Trouver un poste pour moi"}, {"text": "Etwas anderes", "value": "OTHER", "text_pt": "Algo mais", "text_de": "Etwas anderes", "text_es": "Algo m\u00e1s", "text_zh-CN": "\u8fd8\u6709\u522b\u7684", "text_fr": "Autre chose"}]}}, "OTHER": {"prompts": [{"delay": 200, "content": "Okay. Ich bin hier um zu helfen. Hier sind weitere Optionen.", "content_fr": "D'accord. Je suis l\u00e0 pour vous aider. Voici plus d'options.", "content_pt": "OK. Estou aqui para ajudar. Aqui est\u00e3o mais op\u00e7\u00f5es.", "content_de": "Okay. Ich bin hier um zu helfen. Hier sind weitere Optionen.", "content_zh-CN": "\u597d\u7684\u3002\u6211\u662f\u6765\u5e2e\u5fd9\u7684\u3002\u8fd9\u91cc\u6709\u66f4\u591a\u9009\u62e9\u3002", "content_es": "Bueno. Estoy aqui para ayudar. Aqu\u00ed hay m\u00e1s opciones."}], "options": {"delay": 2000, "action": [{"text_pt": "Participe da nossa Comunidade de Talentos", "text_de": "Treten Sie unserer Talent Community bei", "text": "Treten Sie unserer Talent Community bei", "text_es": "\u00danete a nuestra comunidad de talentos", "value": "UPLOAD_RESUME", "text_zh-CN": "\u52a0\u5165\u6211\u4eec\u7684\u4eba\u624d\u793e\u533a", "text_fr": "Rejoignez notre communaut\u00e9 de talents"}]}}, "UPLOAD_RESUME": {"prompts": [{"content_fr": "D'accord. Veuillez faire glisser et d\u00e9poser votre CV dans la case ci-dessous.", "content": "Okay. Bitte ziehen Sie Ihren Lebenslauf in das unten stehende Feld.", "content_pt": "OK. Arraste e solte seu curr\u00edculo na caixa abaixo.", "delay": 200, "content_de": "Okay. Bitte ziehen Sie Ihren Lebenslauf in das unten stehende Feld.", "content_zh-CN": "\u597d\u7684\u3002\u8bf7\u5728\u4e0b\u9762\u7684\u6846\u4e2d\u62d6\u653e\u60a8\u7684\u7b80\u5386\u3002", "content_es": "Bueno. Arrastra y suelta tu curr\u00edculum en el cuadro a continuaci\u00f3n."}], "upload": true, "options": {"delay": 2000}}, "BROWSE_ALL_JOBS": {"prompts": [{"content_fr": "Quels postes de d\u00e9partement souhaitez-vous parcourir?", "content": "Welche Abteilungspositionen m\u00f6chten Sie durchsuchen?", "content_pt": "Quais posi\u00e7\u00f5es do departamento voc\u00ea gostaria de procurar?", "delay": 200, "content_de": "Welche Abteilungspositionen m\u00f6chten Sie durchsuchen?", "content_zh-CN": "\u60a8\u60f3\u6d4f\u89c8\u54ea\u4e2a\u90e8\u95e8\u7684\u804c\u4f4d\uff1f", "content_es": "\u00bfEn qu\u00e9 puestos de departamento te gustar\u00eda navegar?"}], "options": {"delay": 2000}}}, "enable": true, "tooltip": "Hallo, ich bin Eatons virtueller Assistent. Ich m\u00f6chte ein paar Fragen stellen, um Ihnen zu helfen, den richtigen Job zu finden. Antworten Sie Y, wenn Sie fortfahren m\u00f6chten.", "tooltip_zh-CN": "\u60a8\u597d\uff0c\u6211\u662f\u4f0a\u987f\u7684\u865a\u62df\u52a9\u624b\u3002\u6211\u60f3\u95ee\u51e0\u4e2a\u95ee\u9898\u6765\u5e2e\u52a9\u4f60\u627e\u5230\u5408\u9002\u7684\u5de5\u4f5c\u3002\u5982\u679c\u8981\u7ee7\u7eed\uff0c\u8bf7\u56de\u590d Y\u3002", "tooltip_de": "Hallo, ich bin Eatons virtueller Assistent. Ich m\u00f6chte ein paar Fragen stellen, um Ihnen zu helfen, den richtigen Job zu finden. Antworten Sie Y, wenn Sie fortfahren m\u00f6chten.", "tooltip_es": "Hola, soy el asistente virtual de Eaton. Me gustar\u00eda hacer algunas preguntas para ayudarlo a encontrar el trabajo adecuado. Responda Y si desea continuar.", "tooltip_pt": "Ol\u00e1, eu sou o Assistente Virtual da Eaton. Gostaria de fazer algumas perguntas para ajud\u00e1-lo a encontrar o emprego certo. Responda Y se voc\u00ea gostaria de continuar.", "tooltip_fr": "Bonjour, je suis l\u2019assistant virtuel d\u2019Eaton. J\u2019aimerais vous poser quelques questions pour vous aider \u00e0 trouver le bon emploi. R\u00e9pondez Y si vous souhaitez continuer.", "branding": {"privacy": {"text": "Please confirm that you agree to the <a href='https://jobs.eaton.com/privacy-policy' target='_blank'>Data Privacy Policy</a>", "title": "Data Privacy Policy Agreement", "button": "Confirm", "show_notifications_privacy_policy_checkbox": false, "logged_out_notifications_privacy_policy_checkbox_default_state": false}, "showLoggedOutNotificationsPrivacyPolicy": true}, "botname": "Eaton Virtual Assistant", "logo_image_url": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/eaton/1677232322::Speech+Bubble", "additional_languages": ["en", "es", "pt", "de", "fr", "zh-CN"], "FILTER_DEPARTMENT_JOBS": {"options": {"delay": 100}}, "FILTER_LOCATION_JOBS": {"options": {"delay": 100}}, "FILTER_SENIORITY_JOBS": {"options": {"delay": 100}}, "FILTER_SKILL_JOBS": {"options": {"delay": 100}}, "disable_something_else_option": 1, "logged_in_override": {"intents": {"EMPLOYEE_BENEFITS": {"options": {"action": [{"text": "Find a position for myself", "value": "FIND_POSITION"}], "delay": 2000}, "prompts": [{"content": "Great Question.", "delay": 200}, {"content": "Eaton Corporation offers comprehensive benefits to full-time employees.", "delay": 1000}, {"content": "Here's a quick overview ", "delay": 1200}, {"content": "to support you now and as you plan for the future, to support the wellbeing of you and your family, to help balance work/life demands, to reward skills and performance, to help you grow", "delay": 1500}, {"content": "Can I help you with something else?", "delay": 1700}]}, "FIND_POSITION": {"options": {"action": [{"text": "{current_location}", "value": "SELECTED_LOCATION"}, {"input": true, "inputInstruction": "Ok. Enter the city, state or zip code below.", "text": "Somewhere Else", "value": "SELECTED_LOCATION"}, {"input": true, "inputInstruction": "Ok. Enter the city, state or zip code below.", "text": "Remote", "value": "SELECTED_LOCATION"}], "delay": 2000}, "prompts": [{"content": "Great to hear!", "delay": 200}, {"content": "Where were you interested in looking?", "delay": 1200}]}, "GREETING": {"options": {"action": [{"text": "Find a position for myself", "value": "FIND_POSITION"}, {"text": "Learn about employee benefits", "value": "EMPLOYEE_BENEFITS"}], "delay": 2000}, "prompts": [{"content": "Hi there!", "delay": 200}, {"content": "What can I help you with?", "delay": 1000}]}, "SELECTED_LOCATION": {"options": {"action": [{"input": true, "inputInstruction": "Enter what you are searching for below. You can search for a title, skill, department, etc.", "location": "{location_chosen}", "text": "Search Jobs", "value": "LINK", "queryKey": "query"}], "delay": 2000}, "prompts": [{"content": "We have {num_jobs} openings in {location_chosen}.", "delay": 1000}]}}}, "domain": "eaton.com"}